Nadhirah's Blog

MaKiNg ICT aS My wOrLd


1:58 PM by NADHIRAH aka xxwhitechocolatexx

ohayo' gozaimasu...
at last i'm finish searching for information on doing my written assignment...this is the second and it is about 'CURRENT AND FUTURE DEVELOPEMENT IN NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATION'...but i'm still not done with the real document yet cause since my brother just formatting this computer the Microsoft Office was deleted and he still not install it back(ARGHH!!!!anoying!!!). so to make me easier after he install (i don't know when..) i go find for the data first...i think its not that hard compare to the written assignment before this(but its wierd cause i've returned before this assignment,but still doesn't get back...i don't know where my teacher put that precious assignment =[ hope it still save with her i'm scared if it loss..argh!!!my world will be upside down!!!!!) argh it make me crazy(not really...dhemo chotto(in japanese)..ops...but a little..) so, if you!!!(whoever read this post)if you have any problems to do this assignment just comment me and i'll try my best to help you all...hehehehehe.....

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