Nadhirah's Blog

MaKiNg ICT aS My wOrLd


7:18 PM by NADHIRAH aka xxwhitechocolatexx

Programming language are divided into two level. That are Low Level language that contain the First Generation language and Second Generation language ; while the other is High Level language that contains the Third Generation and, Fourth Generation and Fifth Generation.

so today our class ICT teacher where asked us to do an activity on the EXAMPLE OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE in pairs....i'm pairing with Nur Farhana Aina..

1. Machine Language


-Intel 80 X 84




2. Assembly Language






3. Third Generation

- COBOL - C#

- ALGOL - C++

- Fortran - Pascal


- C - LOGO

4. 4 GL

- Panther - FOCUS

- PowerBuilder - Quest

- Up! 5GL - RPG-II

- WinDev - Ab Initio

- XBase++ - ABAP

5. 5 GL
