Nadhirah's Blog

MaKiNg ICT aS My wOrLd


2:53 AM by NADHIRAH aka xxwhitechocolatexx

at last i'm have updat my ICT assignment file...
now i can relax for a while...
i'm still doing an assignment...and insyaAllah...
tomorrow, our teacher will guides us to do another 2 assignment...i hope i can do it well...

However, i'm feeling a bit sad...
if the assignment work is reaching the end, means this year will end soon...

but i will do my best to leave on....
life must go on...
after this maybe i will be like a busy 'kid'...
because the SPM is near....but not busy sms-ing...or calling-calling...huhuhu....

no music...?
er...i will try to reduce my ear to hear music that makes my brain messier

no childish chit chatting?
er...i will reduce this habit too...
huhu....(hope i can..)

....go to school with smile....
...of course i can...
(er...i will try...)

..go go FIGHTING!!!..