Nadhirah's Blog

MaKiNg ICT aS My wOrLd

ReSuLt CuRrIcUlUm TeSt 2!!!

2:07 AM by NADHIRAH aka xxwhitechocolatexx

yesterday we just got our test paper back...
the teacher seems not satisfied with our marks...
how ever i'm glad because i manage to get an "A-" after she gave us the marks from 'kerja kursus' that we have done...

however, i'm still want to be better after this...
if i co
uld i want to get an "A+" for the ICT in SPM soon...
the teacher asked me about our problems in
answering the paper...
now i know that actually, my real problem
i have to throw away my attitude on like to do work in last minute...
i admit that before i have the test,
i can't manage to read all the notes that have to be read...
